Call Support 24/7 Callout 97617886
Address: 24 A/B M.Stylianou Street, Tala, 8577 Paphos, Cyprus


We provides professional and reliable Intruder Alarm Systems giving you protection you require.

CCTV – Closed Circuit Televisions Systems

Security Absolute Services has a wealth of experience in CCTV systems for the commercial and domestic sectors....


Security Guards

As a leading security service provider, specialising in highly skilled security officers, training and supporting personal, we at Security Absolute...


Secure Key-Holding & Alarm Response

Secure Key-Holding Procedure: All keys held in a secure mobile safe, Keys are kept in transparent tamper proof...


Intruder Burglar Alarms

Protect your business or home from break-ins, theft and damage with our complete range of intruder burglar alarms systems that...


24/7 Central Monitoring System

Security Licensed Services “Fit-4-Purpose” Central Monitoring Station based in Tala, Paphos...


Medic Alert Monitor

Medic Alert Monitor is an innovative GSM based alarm system for the elderly or vulnerable that is reliable and innovative....


Security is no joke – it has become a problem of late in Cyprus and everyone needs to be aware of the dangers.

We only use professional equipment that is fitted by qualified and licensed personnel that know what they are doing.

Fully qualified, trained professionals ready to help and advise you on all your security needs – from homes to companies..

personal security

Personal Security Escorts

To be a Personal Security Escort for a client is a task of immense pride and responsibility. Our Escort Section Team members are qualified and trained to be efficient, courteous, diligent and to act with integrity in all they do.

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security dogs

Security Dogs

Good quality, working stock German Shepherds for hire by the hour, shift, day, job or event. The dogs are trained as ‘watchdogs’ rather than attack dogs that so these dogs will patrol with their handler as a deterrent and will bark and show aggression on command from the handler, when there is a perceived threat.

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Mobile Security Patrols

The Mobile Security Patrols service, uses trained and licensed security guards who will respond immediately to every alarm call from your business 24 hours a day and act as a your first line of defence responding to all alarm calls whether they are false or not.

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BY Security Sep 24, 2019

Client Testimonials

What our customers have to say

Our Professionalism

To whom it may concern,

Having been fortunate and having the opportunity to work with Mr Jeff Greenwood. I quickly realised what a true professional Jeff is. In all aspects of work related matters. Jeff was not only fully dedicated and gave 100% always to the project but treated his personnel and staff with respect and an enthusiastic approach that I believe, all employers should.

Knowing Jeff now over several years. His dedication and work ethics are second to none. Jeff likes to stay up to date and current. Along with his wealth of knowledge, experience and high-end qualifications, he is extremely forward thinking not only to his company but to the security industry in general. Creating and planning ways to make the industry better overall.

Having been in the security industry for over 30 years myself. It is with all the above in mind, that I highly recommend Jeff and his company – Security Absolute Services Cyprus, to any potential client or customer.

Aaron Todd – Managing Director