Don’t Make It Easy
Burglary has come to Cyprus too!
“Burglary” is a word that people are uncomfortable to use, even though there are thousands of victims every day around the world.
Unfortunately, it is becoming a problem here in Cyprus as well where crimes were much less in the past, but this is not the case anymore. In Cyprus, crime is on the increase and everyone is at risk, but you can significantly lower this risk depending on the level of protection you use.
Does this sound familiar to you or someone you know?
• Is your post box overflowing with unwanted free advertising flyers and letters?
• Is your car covered in dust?
• Has your garden started to overgrow with weeds?
• Are there no lights on in the evening?
If you answer “Yes” to any of the above, then you are at risk of being burgled because a property that shows signs of not being regularly occupied is an easier target.
So, what can you really do to protect your property and deter that unwanted visitor?
The most common solution is to install an intruder alarm system. There are many various products you can choose from – wired, semi-wired or completely wireless alarm systems, all are different in price and design, but all have one goal: To deter the burglar before they decide to break in to your house or at least let you and other authorities know immediately that there is a burglary in progress and then the appropriate actions can be taken immediately. Almost all alarm systems contain an outside siren with light and sound signals, which are highly visible from the outside of the house – in itself, this is a good deterrent.
Professional companies will usually provide you with stickers and warning plates as well, which are fitted around the outside of your property and clearly state to any “unwanted visitors” that your property is protected and monitored 24/7. Of course, these are additional and very effective services in addition to the alarm system, but not many companies are providing them.
Complete Piece Of Mind
This is what Security Absolute Services offers in a complete package that includes;
• 24/7 Monitoring
• Mobile Response
• Secure Key Holding
All of this maintained by a professional security company that offers the most secure solutions to protect your property and takes the responsibility, accountability and risk away from you, your family or friends.
Don’t be another crime statistic – act now and protect yourself by contacting us.
Security Absolute Services – The best security protection in Cyprus and your weapon against crime.